Friday, April 18, 2014

my testimony

a testimony is a story.
simple as that.

mine is nothing short.
like i said i'm a long story teller.

my walk of faith didn't pick up speed until 5 years ago.
i grew up knowing God, but not seeking him.
being around Him, but not inviting Him wherever i was.

freshman year of high school hits some kids hard, myself included.
i had just lost a few of my best friends because they chose popularity and "being cool"

looking back i am grateful that i left.
i didn't know how much of a positive change it would be for me.

going into high school with new friends and a small foundation of God under my feet was hard

i was going to church still, but i wasn't a fan of the high school ministry.i didn't feel welcome.

my sisters started going to a small group called Cluster, it was made up of a few girls that met up and talked more in depth about Jesus and how He works in their lives.

i started going with them when i got the news.

the news that changed my life.

after going to the chiropractor, seattle childrens was the next step
then an MRI
then the final whammy

they found a tumor in my spine.
it was putting pressure on my spinal column and even caused scoliosis to develop.

the surgery was scheduled for the next month.

my recovery was expected to last 2-6 weeks. which would lead into winter break so i wouldn't miss a lot of school.

during surgery the tumor was removed, but i got nerve damage in the right side of my lower body.

it was extensive enough for me to loose the ability to walk on my own.

during this trial in my life i was feeling weak

but The Lord works in amazing ways.

i had bible verses on posters all around my hospital room and i was daily being prayed for.

the most special moment happened when i was discharged on Christmas Eve.
one of the greatest gift from God was being able to spend time with family at my grandparents home.

God has worked in my heart ever since that time of my life.
i have been pursuing The Lord and focusing on building a relationship and learning as much as i can on how to live a life for God and with the strength He gave me during that trial in my life.

i have struggled with staying on the right track

we are all imperfect...

but Christ died for us so that we can live our lives glorifying Him in any way we can.

i choose to live for Christ every day of my life.

i challenge everyone to do that.

live a life for God
and see where He takes you.

God is so good and He can truly make a difference in your life if you
let go
let God.

love others just as God has loved you..


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

a little intro

my friends call me kayl

i'm constantly falling in love
with this really cool guy named


my favorite food is m&ms
i probably eat too many...

i'm currently at college


not gonna say where though because i don't want someone to come kill me after seeing this

i also watch way too much tv

for example the following, new girl, grey's anatomy, and one tree hill

my best friend and fellow new blogger is jenna grant

she's a granola (tehehe)

we are complete opposites in many ways

i'm a girly girl (according to her) and she has been mistaken for homeless one too many times... (aka once)

basically we complete each other

we seek adventure and the Lord together everywhere we go
which is pretty kewl

back to me now

i tend to tell stories in the most round about way possible

not on purpose

but i like to add details that aren't necessarily necessary, but i feel like they are so i do

also i like to read

i tend to lean towards the sappy romance, love story, gooey mushy stuff

but so far my favorite is the fault in our stars by john green

seriously so good

you could say i read like a cat

i prefer to snuggle up in a blanket on my bed
sit in a chair by a window
lay in the grass outside
or just sit in the corner of a coffee shop (not sure if cats do that one)


my life plans, ambitions, mottos and ideas are summed up neatly on my boards

this blog doesn't have a distinct purpose yet

but i'll think of something...

in the meantime i will post about stuff i find relevant to a blog

like my testimony
because Jesus called us to share our faith
with humility
and grace

i'm gonna stop here because i've turned this into a kaylee story and it's only my first post

hasta luego muchachos
